News From Kevin Cameron

Happy New Year! Since my appointment to the Marion County Board of Commissioners it has been an exciting 6 months, with a steep learning curve and abundance of information and support from many throughout the county. This has better prepared me to serve you as your elected Marion County Commissioner for the next 4 years.

Marion County is a rich natural resource area, with our largest economic base found in a highly diversified agriculture sector. However our richest resource is the individuals, who live, work, study, and play in our community.

Last year at this time I shared my ongoing goal is to be a servant leader. What that means to me is to focus on what is best for the public—wisely using the resources and government services available for their good, also referred to as stewardship. I also believe a leader must educate those engaged in the work at hand to the circumstances that we as a community face.

As your County Commissioner, I will continue with a practical and fiscally conservative approach to decision making. Whether it is managing our home budget or a small business, all of us have had to make do with less. Government needs to continue to reinvent itself so we are using precious tax resources on the top priorities that our citizens expect. Yes, government must keep the citizens first through service and support. However this should not be done by over promising as many officials tend to do. We must deal with the reality of current circumstances, regardless of the cause. If you ever have a situation that needs our attention, our office is just a phone call or email away.

Many key decisions are made at the county level that affects all of us. Whether it is related to public safety, land use, solid waste management or human services, millions of your tax dollars are spent on your behalf. Together we make a difference in our community. It continues to be an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of Marion County.