Year End Appeal

Many of you have read the following appeal and have responded in a generous manner-thank you. For others I hope you take a minute or two to read and if so motivated make a year end gift to Kevin Cameron for Oregon, PAC 5089.

As I reflect on the blessings of this Christmas season, I think of this great nation we live in, my family, friends, my health and all those who have encouraged and supported me over the past decade of my public service. It is only by the grace of God, and with all those around me that I am able to serve in elected office.

Looking to the future, it is obvious that my call to public service continues, having been elected to a 4 year term as a Marion County Commissioner. I am excited about this opportunity, but have also come to the realization that I must be more disciplined in my physical health to be able to serve others. I have taken steps this past summer to improve my lifestyle and I appreciate those who are helping me to make this a lifelong habit.

The area that takes the majority of my time as Commissioner is economic development. Thru various entities, such as SEDCOR, the Marion County Economic Development Advisory Board and others we are striving for innovative solutions to create new jobs and allow businesses to thrive. While my focus is economic development my commitment to enhancing public safety is as strong as ever. My service on the Governors Re-entry Council continues. All of this folded into the overarching goal of creating unique public / private partnerships to make local government more responsive to the citizens it serves fill my days and weeks as Commissioner.

A commissioner has many avenues in which to lead county employees and interface with the community. However we are limited with your tax dollars on the type of activities that are funded. For the last several years the opportunities to connect with the people, understand the dynamics of various communities, and activities and meetings in which we engage with one another has been the cornerstone of my public service. Some of these things are part of the elected office, but by in large this outreach to the community takes a determined effort which is not part of the elected office. It takes money to get information out through newsletters, and organize, execute and follow-up on activities and meetings which all help to keep people informed and engaged.

Marion County has 22 cities and over 300,000 people and I would like to continue to hold community – business engagement forums and communicate on a regular basis through email newsletters. With the size and geography of the county it makes the task of coordination even more time consuming and expensive. Keeping the lines of interaction and interface with our seniors and others who are not able to attend traditional community forms is a priority to me as well. Holding at least one telephone town hall in 2015 will allow these citizens to participate in their local government by phone and ask questions. As commissioner I do not have paid staff that can help facilitate my community outreach program, so the ability to hire part time help to insure there is coordination and follow through must be paid through my PAC.

As I plan for the coming years my desire is stronger than ever to build on this legacy of successful leadership to broaden and deepen my outreach to the community. This outreach comes at a cost which has over the years been absorbed by my PAC – Kevin Cameron for Oregon. Today I am asking for your monetary support of my community outreach for the next year.

I ask you to consider an ongoing commitment; it could be monthly, quarterly, or annually. This will help us plan and budget for the projects that are under consideration. If you cannot commit to an ongoing amount at this time, a onetime gift would be very much appreciated!

Additionally you have the opportunity to use your political tax credit. The political tax credit is a no-cost way for most people to support the political cause of choice. It is a credit, not a deduction. Most taxpayers can give up to $100 for joint filers* or $50 for individuals* to an Oregon political organization, and that amount will be credited back to you when your file your state taxes. Contributions must be dated no later than December 31, 2014 to receive the credit on your 2014 Oregon tax return.

Your ongoing financial support will allow me to continue to lead and keep our message of common sense, practical non partisan solutions to our communities and state’s challenges. Again, I am grateful for your past support and I am committed to serving for as long as I am able. I will be blessed to have your support as we carry on this mission of service together.



p.s. You may donate on line by following this link: or use the enclosed envelope to send your support. Remember if you have not yet taken advantage of your political tax credit for this year you must do so by December 31st or you will lose the opportunity when you file your 2014 Oregon taxes.

*Please note, due to a recent change in Oregon law, individuals with adjusted gross income over $100,000 or joint filers with combined income exceeding $200,000 no longer qualify for the Political Tax Credit.”