Yearend Tax Credit Information

Tax Credit Available:

It’s that time of year to remind you of the political tax credit that every individual has available for use. Oregon is unique in that we have a $50 per person, $100 per couple political tax credit. You can contribute $50 individually or $100 per couple and take it off the state income taxes you owe at the end of the year. If you don’t use it by December 31st of this year, you lose it. It is a 100% dollar for dollar credit on your taxes if you contribute to a Political Action Committee like mine.

My PAC, Kevin Cameron for Oregon, is for the purpose of seeking election to the Marion County Board of Commissions. As you may know Patti Milne recently announced that she would not be running for re-election and I have filed to seek her position on the board.

For 18 years I have owned and operated small businesses, primarily in the restaurant industry. Concurrently for the last 9 years I have served in the Legislature representing South Salem, Turner and Aumsville. It was this experience running a business, battling government regulations and paying higher and higher taxes that motivated me to run for the Legislature in the first place.

At my businesses we’ve always strived to put the customer first. It’s hard to stay open if you aren’t pleasing customers and fighting to stay competitive. In my experience at the Capitol I see many opportunities where government at all levels needs to take on a customer friendly attitude. There’s a lot of waste at the federal, state and county levels that needs to be highlighted and fixed. Yes, government must keep the citizens first through service and support. However this should not be done by growing the size of government every time there is a new challenge, rather by operating within existing resources and finding ways to be creative and more efficient.

My ongoing goal is to be a servant leader. What that means to me is to focus on what is best for the public—wisely using the resources and government services available for their good.

Marion County is a rich natural resource area, with our largest economic base found in a highly diversified agriculture sector. We have opportunities today to preserve our precious farmlands and improve economic development in our urban areas. We must also continue to set public safety as a top priority. Keeping our neighborhoods and communities safe is an essential service. In addition, it is important that we maintain our roads and infrastructure to limit congestion so that commerce can thrive.

As a State Representative, and if I am elected as your County Commissioner, I will continue with a practical and fiscally conservative approach to decision making. Whether it is managing our home budget or a small business, all of us have had to make do with less. Government needs to continue to reinvent itself so we are not wasting precious tax resources on services and programs that are either outdated or no longer relevant.

If you agree with me on my philosophy of government I would ask for your help in a few ways. First of all, your time: if you have any interest in helping with my campaign, we would welcome you with open arms. Secondly, your personal endorsement: allow us to use your name as someone who supports my election to the Marion County Board of Commissioners. And third: your financial resources; yes you’re hard earned money. This campaign is nearly a three-fold expansion of my previous campaigns in the sheer number of people we need to communicate with and that will take all three avenues of assistance – time, talent and financial resources. As mentioned at the beginning of the article you have the opportunity to use your political tax credit if you haven’t already.

Who serves on the County Commission is important. Many key decisions are made at the county level that affects all of us. Whether it is related to public safety, land use, solid waste management or human services, millions of your tax dollars are spent on your behalf. Every decision I make, I do it with constituents like you in mind.

As a business owner, husband, father, and community leader I know how valuable your time and resources are. I also know how hard I will be working to win this election over the next 10 months. I can use your financial help and volunteer time immediately. Please take a few moments to go to the donate tab on this website and complete the forms and make a donation. I will only be successful with the support and encouragement of individuals like you. Thank you for your time and consideration. Together we can continue to make a difference in our community and I appreciate your support.

Thank you,