Your Invitation 5th Annual Ladies Bunko Night

– Vases and Vines –

5th Annual Ladies Bunko night

PAMPER yourself with a GIRLS’ NIGHT out…
Grand Prizes, Door Prizes, Bunko Prizes, oh my!
– tasty nibbles, desserts, and beverages –
(invite a friend to come as well)

Monday, October 6, 2014, from 6:45-9pm
The Grand Hotel-Marion Room
201 Liberty St, Salem

Raffle tickets for the Grand Prizes
will be available for purchase.
$5 for one – $10 for three

Grand Prizes include:

 boating, dinner and an overnight stay for two hosted by Kevin and Judy Cameron, at Detroit Lake

 two classic pedicures by Phiz Spa and lunch, with wine, for two at Gamberetti’s in Pringle Plaza

 a traditional English Tea for six in the home of Annie Streckfuss, renowned tea mistress, Salem

  an overnight stay for two in the Jacuzzi Suite at The Grand Hotel in Bridgeport

 a full size handmade Christmas Quilt

Support Commissioner Kevin Cameron
as he campaigns for
Marion County Commissioner, Position 1

Suggested donation: $30 Individual

The favor of an RSVP is requested by Tuesday, September 30th
to Raquel at 503.269.0915 or
Space is limited.

Paid for by Kevin Cameron for Oregon | 4742 Liberty Rd S, #236, Salem, OR 97302
503.269.0915 | | |