Strong Ending for 2015

Every Christmas season brings thoughts of blessings and reflections. I continue to value this great nation we live in, my family, friends, my health and all those who encourage and support me day to day, and year to year in my public service. It is only by the grace of God, and with all those around me that I am able to serve in elected office.

My wife Judy and I have new lens as we look to the future. This summer we were blessed with our first grandchild – a little boy, and the recent news of another grandchild on the way! When I dream of all that I want for them, I cannot help but know how imperative it is that we continue to build with the future in mind. It is not just about what gets accomplished for today, but what is being set in motion today that will affect the health and wealth of our region for generations to come.

Some of the activities and responsibilities that engage me as I help to build for a positive future include:

Positive Aurora Airport Management (PAAM)
Federal Lakes Recreation Committee for Detroit Lake
French Prairie Work Group
Governor’s Re-entry Council
Marion County Economic Development (EDAB)
Mid-Willamette Valley Regional Solutions
North Willamette Research and Extension District
Marion County Housing Authority
Oregon State Fair Council
Morning Star Community Church
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs
Corban University Leadership and Political Engagement
United Way of the Mid-Willamette Valley
Strategic Economic Development Corporation (SEDCOR)

Economic Development continues to be a priority as a Commissioner. Some of our accomplishments include:

North Santiam River Canyon Distressed Communities focus has resulted in a new federal grant for the Detroit community to improve access to recreation activities.
Business Expansion and Retention Lottery Grants awarded for job retention and creation in the County.
Monthly visits to businesses throughout the County, listening to the concerns of the key stakeholders.
Improved job growth over last year; read the full report at

In order to maintain this successful momentum, I will need your help. As I plan for the coming years my desire is stronger than ever to build on this legacy of successful leadership to broaden and deepen our outreach in the community. This outreach comes at a cost which has over the years been absorbed by my PAC: Kevin Cameron for Oregon. Today I am asking for your monetary support so that I can continue my tradition of strong community outreach in the new year. You may donate online at

In closing please know your continued support is deeply appreciated. My very best wishes to you and yours for a great holiday season and new year blessings.
