
Thank You for Your Vote of Confidence

Thank you to the citizens of Marion County for electing me to another term on the County Commission, and to Shelaswau Crier for running a spirited campaign. I remain committed to faithfully serving all citizens of our county, including those who did not vote for me. We have many challenges and opportunities in the years […]

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Be Aware of Election Misinformation

Yesterday I read the email below from Secretary of State Dennis Richardson and thought it to be extremely timely as all ballots must be received by 8pm, this coming Tuesday November 6th. Thank you for participating in this great process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. My best, “You […]

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Your Invitation

We are just 7 days away from final victory in this election cycle, and I hope that you will be able to join the Cameron Campaign Team the evening of November 6 from 7-9 PM at Willamette Valley Vineyards. We are joining forces with other local campaigns and hope to celebrate 100% victory. I am […]

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Water – as easy as turning on the faucet or not?

Yesterday the Statesman Journal published an article about Marion County being allowed to join the lawsuit on the Detroit Dam Project.  You can read the full article here: SJ Article As a County Commissioner I can convene people and groups together to come up with practical balanced solutions to complicated issues.  Restoring the native fish […]

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Continued Work with the US Army Corp of Engineers

Over the course of the last 18 months I have shared information about the US Army Corp of Engineers and the potential draining of Detroit Lake. All the stakeholders have come to realize this is a complicated and highly charged issue as it relates to the lively hood of the hundreds of thousands who live […]

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